
Multi-Language Mode

For paid-plan users, our new configuration format provides top-level keys to specify separate options for each supported language. This allows you to fine-tune each language independently for a more comprehensive code fixing experience.

The configuration for each language must now fall under the relevant name. For instance, observe the example config file below:

  risky: true
  version: 8.4
  preset: laravel
    - ternary_to_elvis_operator
    - single_import_per_statement
  monolithic: true
      - "modules"
      - "node_modules"
      - "nova"
      - "nova-components"
      - "storage"
      - "spark"
      - "vendor"
    name: "*.php"
      - "*.blade.php"
      - "_ide_helper.php"
  tab-width: 4
  use-tabs: false
  print-width: 120
  double-quotes: false
  trailing-commas: es5
  semicolons: true
  arrow-parens: always
  bracket-same-line: false
  bracket-spacing: true
      - "modules"
      - "node_modules"
      - "nova"
      - "nova-components"
      - "storage"
      - "spark"
      - "vendor"
      - "*.js"
      - "*.jsx"
      - "*.min.js"
ts: false
css: false
py: true

As can be seen, the php, js, ts, css and py keys each allow for PHP, Javascript, Typescript, CSS and Python configuration respectively. Writing false after such a key disables fixing for that language; writing true enables our default fixes for it. If you want to customize, you can instead write out the configuration manually under the language you want.

In the above example, it can be seen that custom PHP and Javascript configurations are used, along with the default Python one and no other languages.

{info} If you removed the ts or css keys, the behavior would remain the same; removing any such language's key replaces it with its default behavior, ie. true for PHP and false for all others.

You may notice that the PHP and Javascript configurations look different. In fact, every language has its own separate configuration options, with PHP retaining the PHP-only ones.

We describe each new language's options below. For all languages, the finder key works the same.

PHP Config

Setting php: true translates to the following:

  risky: false
  version: 8.4
  preset: recommended
  monolithic: true
  tab-width: 4
  use-tabs: false
      - "modules"
      - "node_modules"
      - "nova"
      - "nova-components"
      - "storage"
      - "spark"
      - "vendor"
    name: "*.php"
      - "*.blade.php"
      - "_ide_helper.php"

PHP configuration is the same as before, other than that all PHP config options must fall under the php key as above. Read more about PHP configuration here.

Javascript Config

Setting js: true translates to the following:

  tab-width: 4
  use-tabs: false
  print-width: 120
  double-quotes: false
  trailing-commas: es5
  semicolons: true
  arrow-parens: always
  bracket-same-line: false
  bracket-spacing: true
      - "modules"
      - "node_modules"
      - "nova"
      - "nova-components"
      - "storage"
      - "spark"
      - "vendor"
      - "*.js"
      - "*.jsx"
      - "*.min.js"
  • Valid values for tab-width are 2 and 4.
  • Valid values for use-tabs are false and true.
  • Valid values for print-width are integers between 20 and 200. We'd recommend 80, 100, or 120.
  • Valid values for double-quotes are false and true.
  • Valid values for trailing-commas are none, es5, or all.
  • Valid values for semicolons are false and true.
  • Valid values for arrow-parens are avoid and always.
  • Valid values for bracket-same-line are false and true.
  • Valid values for bracket-spacing are false and true.

Typescript Config

Setting ts: true translates to the following:

  tab-width: 4
  use-tabs: false
  print-width: 120
  double-quotes: false
  trailing-commas: es5
  semicolons: true
  arrow-parens: always
  bracket-same-line: false
  bracket-spacing: true
      - "modules"
      - "node_modules"
      - "nova"
      - "nova-components"
      - "storage"
      - "spark"
      - "vendor"
    name: "*.ts"
  • Valid values for tab-width are 2 and 4.
  • Valid values for use-tabs are false and true.
  • Valid values for print-width are integers between 20 and 200. We'd recommend 80, 100, or 120.
  • Valid values for double-quotes are false and true.
  • Valid values for trailing-commas are none, es5, or all.
  • Valid values for semicolons are false and true.
  • Valid values for arrow-parens are avoid and always.
  • Valid values for bracket-same-line are false and true.
  • Valid values for bracket-spacing are false and true.

CSS Config

Setting css: true translates to the following:

  tab-width: 4
  use-tabs: false
  print-width: 120
  double-quotes: false
      - "modules"
      - "node_modules"
      - "nova"
      - "nova-components"
      - "storage"
      - "spark"
      - "vendor"
      - "*.css"
      - "*.scss"
      - "*.less"
  • Valid values for tab-width are 2 and 4.
  • Valid values for use-tabs are false and true.
  • Valid values for print-width are integers between 20 and 200. We'd recommend 80, 100, or 120.
  • Valid values for double-quotes are false and true.

Vue.js Config

Setting vue: true translates to the following:

  tab-width: 4
  use-tabs: false
  print-width: 120
  double-quotes: false
  trailing-commas: es5
  semicolons: true
  arrow-parens: always
  bracket-same-line: false
  bracket-spacing: true
  indent-script-and-style: false
  whitespace-sensitivity: css
      - "modules"
      - "node_modules"
      - "nova"
      - "nova-components"
      - "storage"
      - "spark"
      - "vendor"
    name: "*.vue"
  • Valid values for tab-width are 2 and 4.
  • Valid values for use-tabs are false and true.
  • Valid values for print-width are integers between 20 and 200. We'd recommend 80, 100, or 120.
  • Valid values for double-quotes are false and true.
  • Valid values for trailing-commas are none, es5, or all.
  • Valid values for semicolons are false and true.
  • Valid values for arrow-parens are avoid and always.
  • Valid values for bracket-same-line are false and true.
  • Valid values for bracket-spacing are false and true.
  • Valid values for indent-script-and-style are false and true.
  • Valid values for whitespace-sensitivity are css, strict and ignore.

Python Config

Setting py: true translates to the following:

  version: 3.11
  preset: pep8
    tab-width: 4
    use-tabs: false
    print-width: 120
    multiline-split-indent: 4
    join-short-lines: false
    comment-indent: 4
      - "modules"
      - "node_modules"
      - "nova"
      - "nova-components"
      - "storage"
      - "spark"
      - "vendor"
    name: "*.py"
  • The version key specifies the Python grammar version to use. 2.7 and 3.11 are allowed values, 3.11 being the default, and additionally, 2 is an alias for 2.7 and 3 is an alias for 3.11.
  • Valid values for the preset key are pep8, google, chromium or facebook. We'd recommend either pep8 or google.
  • The options key contains several suboptions for further, fine-tuned customizations. These options are as follows:
    • Valid values for tab-width are 2 and 4.
    • Valid values for use-tabs are false and true.
    • Valid values for print-width are integers between 20 and 200. We'd recommend 80, 100, or 120.
    • The multiline-split-indent key specifies the extra indentation used when a line is split across several lines. Valid values are integers between 2 and 8. We'd recommend 4.
    • The join-short-lines key specifies whether to join several short lines into one, eg. making a small 'if' statement a one-liner. Valid values are false or true.
    • The comment-indent specifies indentation required after a line for a trailing comment. Valid values are integers between 2 and 8.

Note that for Python, we allow a preset along with a set of extra options for fine-tuning their behavior. The presets will have the side effect of changing the defaults for options, which are overriden by setting these keys explicitly:

  • pep8 will set use-tabs to false, print-width to 79, tab-width to 4, multiline-split-indent to 4, join-short-lines to true and comment-indent to 2.
  • google, facebook and chromium will all do the same, albeit setting column-width to 80.

{info} It's important to remember the preset does a lot more than just choose defaults for the options key - the internal differences in behavior will be noticeable and substantial, albeit not directly configurable. Hence, for example, choosing the google preset will add several subtle fixes configured to coding to this standard that would not be available otherwise.